Brows & Lashes
in Denver

Frame Your Face, Boost Your Confidence

Treat yourself to a confidence boost with our brows and lash services. Voluminous lashes will make your eyes pop, while perfectly styled brows will highlight your unique facial features.

At Timeless Skin & Wellness our job is to enhance your beauty and make you feel most confident. We’re dedicated to bringing your vision to life with our personalized treatments.

Ready to take your beauty regimen to the next level? Schedule a personal consultation with us today. 

Lashes You Dream Of

Want to make your eyes stand out with luscious lashes? At Timeless Skin & Wellness, your wish is our command. Choose from our roster of lash services and make your dream lashes a reality.

Transform Your Brows with Microblading

Microblading creates the illusion of fuller and more defined brows by inserting pigment into your skin with tiny (barely visible) needles. With any permanent makeup procedure, results can vary depending on individual skin reactions to the pigment and process.

For full results, avoid wetting, touching, sweating, or exposing the area to moisture or steam for 24 hours after your procedure. Allow your skin to heal. 

After 6 weeks, you’ll have a follow-up appointment to check that the pigment has healed properly and developed its permanent color. 

Before & After Gallery

Experience the Magic of Enhanced Brows & Lashes

If you’re ready to upgrade your look with the perfect lashes or expertly styled brows, you’re in the right place! Book a personal consultation with our team today!

Our Location

Our Address

  • 2795 Speer Blvd, Suite 11
  • Denver, CO 80211

Contact Information

Come visit our skin and wellness clinic on Speer Blvd. You can access the retail
parking entrance on Alcott St.

Hours of Operation

8:00 AM 1:00 PM
8:00 AM 4:00 PM
8:00 AM 6:00 PM
8:00 AM 3:00 PM
Every Other Saturday:
10:00 AM 3:00 PM

Our Signature Services

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