Hormone Therapy
in Denver

Feel Your Best

Going through menopause? We understand the impact your hormones have on your wellbeing, energy levels, and even your mood. Sometimes, it may feel like it’s out of your control, and you have no choice but to put up with the fluctuations as they come. 

Hormone therapy is designed to replace the estrogen your body stops producing during menopause. It can help alleviate many symptoms, and help put you back in the driver’s seat of your own well-being.

Embrace the power of hormone therapy with us. Book now. 

Embrace Vitality: The Benefits of Hormone Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is a great option for those experiencing menopause and wanting to improve their quality of life. Some of its many benefits include:

  • Improved sexual health
  • Improved menopausal symptoms (night sweats, hot flashes, anxiety, etc.)
  • Hair restoration
  • Increased energy levels
  • Less mood swings

Our Pricing

Testing & Hormones

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy – $275
  • Hormone Testing – $275
  • Biological Age Testing – $275

Sexual Wellness

  • P—Shot (Men) – $2000
  • O-Shot (Women) – $2000
  • CO2LIFTV (Women) – $2000
  • Intimate PRX – $2000

Before & After Gallery

Prioritize Your Wellness & Feel Empowered

Ready to take control of your wellness with hormone replacement therapy? We’d love to help! Schedule a consultation with us to learn more.

Our Location

Our Address

  • 2795 Speer Blvd, Suite 11
  • Denver, CO 80211

Contact Information

Come visit our skin and wellness clinic on Speer Blvd. You can access the retail
parking entrance on Alcott St.

Hours of Operation

8:00 AM 1:00 PM
8:00 AM 4:00 PM
8:00 AM 6:00 PM
8:00 AM 3:00 PM
Every Other Saturday:
10:00 AM 3:00 PM

Our Signature Services

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