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The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide

The Ultimate Father's Day Products | Timeless Laser Medical Spa And Aesthetics in Denver CO.

Father’s Day is coming up and it’s time to start thinking about his gift! Regardless of what kind of dad you’re buying for, we’ve got the perfect option for him.

If he’s a new dad, he needs two things: rest and relaxation. What better way to spoil him than with a no-downtime facial and a day of babysitting! We recommended this treatment for Mother’s Day too, and it was a huge hit. Everyone needs a Deluxe Hydrofacial!

We customize this treatment to suit all skin concerns. It’s perfect for someone needing a serious skincare boost like a new parent! Shop Now

Seriously what dad isn’t this dad?! We know he’s impossible to shop for, but we also know his skincare routine isn’t all that it should be. For this Father’s Day you can get some serious credit by booking him for a custom skin consultation and getting him a gift card to buy exactly what he needs!

Our tailored skin consultation will allow our experts to build a treatment plan and give customized skincare recommendations to suit his needs! Shop Now

One thing we know about this Dad, is he’s not stopping in for a treatment anytime soon. But never fear! We have a tried and true skincare lineup that you can snag for him – and trust us: when he realizes what his skin has been missing, he’ll be hooked. Extra points from us if you purge the house of those awful 5-in-1 products too. Shop Now

Whether he’s hitting the slopes in the winter or trying to convince you that hiking is more fun than pilates in the summer – this Dad is outside. While he may look good doing it, his skin needs a serious reset from all the sun damage.

We know he won’t want downtime to cut into his summer plans, so why not book him for an IPL? This treatment is no-downtime and with consistent SPF not much needs to change in his routine.

Plus the results are amazing in treating sun damage and broken capillaries!

Don’t forget to include our favorite SPF to set him up for success!

Gifting is hard work so don’t forget to treat yourself, too! Book Now

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  • 2795 Speer Blvd, Suite 11
  • Denver, CO 80211

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Come visit our skin and wellness clinic on Speer Blvd. You can access the retail
parking entrance on Alcott St.

Hours of Operation

8:00 AM 1:00 PM
8:00 AM 4:00 PM
8:00 AM 6:00 PM
8:00 AM 3:00 PM
Every Other Saturday:
10:00 AM 3:00 PM

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