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Your Guide to Treatment Plans

Your Guide To Treatment Plan | Timeless Laser Medical Spa And Aesthetics in Denver CO

We know new years resolutions are out – but give us a chance to manifest our goals and we’re IN. When it comes to skincare related goals, there’s one thing we know for sure: enlist an expert. Lucky for you, Timeless Laser is a whole team of them. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to treatment plans:

Know Your Timeline

No matter what your skincare concern is, correcting it will take time. We know- we know! So annoying. But it’s the awful truth. Here are some realistic results timelines some common skin concerns:

  • Acne: 12-18 months
  • Scarring: 6-12 months
  • Hyperpigmentation: 3-6 months
  • Fine Lines: 6-12 months
  • Deep Wrinkles & Aging Concerns: 18-24 months

Starting now sounds like a pretty good idea, doesn’t it?

Plan For Downtime

You’ll be very happy to know that not all treatments will result in downtime! But what is downtime? We like to define downtime as a recovery period during which you must completely avoid sun exposure, shouldn’t wear makeup, and may be actively peeling.

We know downtime may be inconvenient (and even intimidating) but trust us- it’s worth it. Deep Chemical Peels, Microneedling, and Plasma Pen will all involve some level of downtime, while IPL, Venus Freeze, Facials, and most Injections are downtime-free.

The best treatment plans aren’t free of downtime – they plan for them! Working your treatments around your schedule will give you results and convenience.

When to Start

Taking downtime and treatment timelines into account, the next question is probably, “when should I start?”

It would be easy for us to say “Start now babe!” but here are some things that may impact your plan:

  • Pregnancy/Breastfeeding
  • Time of year
  • Travel schedule
  • Important events (weddings, photoshoots, etc)

We always say that Autumn/Winter is the best time to start your treatment plan. You’re less likely to be packed with events and you’re probably not cooking in the sun. But we definitely don’t pack our Microneedle away the second the sun comes out. Your best chance for success is to schedule your consultation – we can handle the rest!

Our Location

Our Address

  • 2795 Speer Blvd, Suite 11
  • Denver, CO 80211

Contact Information

Come visit our skin and wellness clinic on Speer Blvd. You can access the retail
parking entrance on Alcott St.

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 4:00 PM
11:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 4:00 PM
9:00 AM 4:00 PM

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